Christmas Eve at the Corner of Westwood and Fairview Avenues

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The Christmas lights strewn on the trees lining Westwood Avenue in downtown Westwood are simply elegant yet symmetrically impressive. Standing on the street and gazing a down the street across the 3 blocks of lights creates an illusion the lights stretch on forever into the infinite darkness. It may have been a brown Christmas but Christmas lights have a way of blinding you to surrounding circumstances and bringing the reason Christmas is important to mind, if only for a short while.

For best results click here to open the panorama in a new window.

Christmas Eve on Westwood Ave.

Westwood, NJ
Notes: First night panorama picture. Used a remote shutter to prevent camera shake during each of the more than 50 source images. The nadir cap picture was not used because I couldn’t hold the camera steady enough and I couldn’t blend out my shadow. So I emphasized my shadow and put a black cap at the bottom. The overall result was quite good, most of the pictures were clear and stitched cleanly.

Click to open in larger window

  • lesley
    lesley lesley

    SO COOL!!

  • Margot
    Margot Margot

    Very, very cool. How did you do that?

  • Tim
    Tim Tim

    I agree, this is very cool. Just spent like 5 minutes playing here – It’s not even a game.