Cataan – A Thrown Defeat

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Had a rousing, spur-of-the-moment Settlers of Cataan game with the guys. V, LI, BL, and KM were there. My strategy backfired and the dice failed to land on my numbers.. maybe fail isn’t the right word. Refused? For whatever the reason BL and I were the paupers of the board. Perhaps it was too humid and late for the dice to cooperate. In the end it came down to a sudden death play between LI and V for the win. LI would have had it with a largest army play but V managed to scoop the card up the turn before. In the end I , uh, well, threw the game to bring it to a close just before Midnight on Sunday evening. It only took trading LI for a coal resource so he could upgrade a city. Sorry – my bad. The residents of Cataan thanked me later because they had to plow the fields early Monday morning.

Note to self: Invite Mr. MA (emphasize the Mr. because there is a Mrs. MA too).