Life In Carcassonne (The Board Game)

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Carcassonne reminds me of Transport Tycoon Deluxe, I can’t say exactly why but I think it has to do with the geometry of the pieces and how everything fits together. Maybe I should introduce my friends to OpenTTD… hmmm…

Getting back to the game, it is a cross between The Settlers of Catan and Drakon. The board unfolds with each players turn to generate scoring opportunities. You have a chance to subtly coerce your fellow players and interact with them to make the game more interesting.

We played at the T’s place, RT, CT, and AM where there.

It is a fun game that I’d like to bring home during the holidays to play with my family. Not as intense as Risk or Monopoly but yet has a fun edge so even if you don’t try to over analyze each move you still feel like something was accomplished after each rotation.