Through That Gate of Glass…
I know a garden with three strange gates
Of silver, of gold, and glass.
At every gate, in a deep, soft voice,
A sentinel murmurs, “Pass.”At night I passed through the silver gate,
An ivory moon rode high;
I heard the song of the silver stars
That swung in the silver sky.I walked at dawn through the gate of gold,
And came to a golden sea.
Seven mermaids rose from the golden waves
And fluttered white hands to me.At last I came to the other gate.
The sentinel murmured, “Pass!”
I never will tell what lovely things
I saw through that gate of glass.
-‘The Last Gate’ by Stella Mead
Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. -Genesis 2:15 NKJV