Everyday surprises

13 Articles

How Many Petabytes?

A customer sent in a 15 gigabyte zip file and I was tasked with finding a place to store the uncompressed files. Using the standard Windows 7 zip folder to drag the files out onto a network share I was greeted with this lovely message.

A terabyte might not have been unreasonable but but 11 petabytes seemed a bit excessive. A second attempt with a proper unzip program resulted in a 67 GB uncompressed archive… whew!

Sights of the City – Break Dancing on a Moving Subway

Three guys walked into the subway car at a stop somewhere between Brooklyn and Manhattan. When the doors closed and the car began to move a small stereo that began to play a background hip-hop song. The music was barely audible over the noisy car clacking and screeching along the tracks.When one of the guys began to speak I thought to myself, “This is going to be annoying”. Then he began to break dance in a small open area. It wasn’t all that spectacular and by the time the second guy started his routine I was busy fiddling with my camera phone which was only irritating me further because it wasn’t loading the camera software correctly.

At the moment I gave up on the camera and looked up the dancer did a complete 360deg flip in the air – head over heals. I didn’t see anyone else react but it was an amazing feat because of the physical constraints and the moving car. That daring move made the whole performance amazingly memorable.

Oddly enough I believe this is the same line where the subway violinist made an appearance.

Subway Violinist

08-17-09-subway-violine-woman-smallLost in thoughts of finding the next subway connection to catch the Path back to the train in Hoboken I heard violin music. The music took me by surprise as I realized subway cars don’t play music. At the far end of the car was a young woman playing a violin. She played with vigor as she walked toward my end of the subway car. It was no small feat, especially since the car was clipping right along! It would jump, dive, and bouce left and then right. As the car passed under the East River the music filled the car. It was as if a subtle and beautiful voice was beckoning to each person in the car. “Stop, reflect, and appreciate the music” the voice seemed to say.

As she reached the end of the car where I was sitting she finished the piece and sat down. Under her left cheek was a small brown mark that revealed this wasn’t her first performance. As the car pulled up to the stop I, alone, politely applauded. Why did she choose to share such an enriching piece of music in the bustle of the subway car? It was no easy task and it was played beautifully. I saw no solicitation for gratuity and wondered if she was simply playing to share some joy she had deep inside?

Deep down I wish that I had continued with piano and had something to give in return – simply to give. Yet, even though my musical talents might consist of playing a CD player and singing a tune off key I have something to give. “… Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk…” I might not have the power to heal people or provide all the right answers I can testify about who Jesus Christ is to me. I’d love to hear who he is to you and to share who he could be if he isn’t already someone to you.