
Photography Tips From A Prade

HKU: Photography Tips

  • Practice at a parade – Everyone will be taking pictures of everyone else. Professional and amateur photographers will be running (and standing) around with cameras taking pictures of the parade, the participants, and the crowds. Join in the fun and take a couple close up pictures that capture the excitement and the moment in the faces of the people who were there.
  • Wear a sleeveless vest to conceal your camera – If walking around with a SLR camera makes you self conscious and you feel too obvious wear a un-zippered sleeveless vest. The camera can rest between the zipper and under the folds when moving around the crowd.
  • Look for the shots – Uniformity and variation are captivating subjects to photograph. People will be dressed and walking in ordered formations. Wait for the shots and anticipate the crowd.
  • Use various camera settings and photography styles – Meter and adjust your camera for the environment but be sure to take some pictures in auto, aperture/shutter priority, and full manual. Each mode will allow you to render the images differently. Full auto isn’t always the best choice.

The last was a personally difficult lesson. As a photography exercise most of my pictures were shot in aperture priority mode. My goal was to soften the background and enhance the focal point. Great idea, poor implementation. My recollection of what large and small f-stop settings did was completely backwards. As a result many of my pictures were poorly exposed.

La Bamba on the Subway

Up until the stop where the guitar players got on it had been a rough ride, in a crowded car, in the wrong direction. Even after getting back to the surface my trip wasn’t getting any better. I still managed to walk in the wrong direction and make 4 consecutive wrong turns in a row. But thats another story.

These two guitar players played La Bamba between one of the stops. Not everyone was as pleased as me but then, as Dad would always say, “Simple minds are easily amused”. Considering how turned around I was it definitely applied to me that day.

Tech Community Experiences: YouTube and Fair Use

The Coding Horror blog has an interesting and informative entry about his experiences posting video to YouTube for his blog. From a legal standpoint it’s thought provoking and from a technical standpoint the technology employed by Google (erm I mean YouTube) is impressive. If you’ve posted content created by someone else, thought about posting, or every wondered how YouTube handles copyright complaints it’s an interesting read.

9/17/2010 – YouTube vs. Fair Use