
Weeds and Dead Leaves Encroach

Flag Standing Above Sunken Grave

The grave marker belongs to a man and a life unknown to me. A mystery further shrouded by weeds and dead leaves. Hidden but not forgotten, the flag placed there adds meaning for the flag means something important to me.

Does the flag mean the same thing to me as it did to the life of the person commemorated by the fading marker? An impossible question to answer.

Should a flag fly over my grave would people see it and superpose their understanding of the flag over my own? Or will they superimpose, adding to the meaning, instead of replacing the true meaning?

What did I just do upon viewing the marker and flag that stood before me?

Happy Independence Day America.

Quote:Wisdom from Doctor Who

DOCTOR [to LANG]: Don’t be smug with me. Now, I’ve already explained my condition. I may be behaving like a manic barometer, but don’t shrug off help when it’s offered. You can’t afford to.

LANG: I thank you for your offer, Doctor, but frankly, I find you unreliable.

DOCTOR: So’s most currency. Doesn’t stop people spending money wisely.
-Doctor Who episode “The Twin Dilemma”