
Me, Myself, and I at the Beach

The waves rolled Me around the surf.
They excited myself, terribly so.
I let them take me for a ride.


The breaking waves kept pushing Me back.
Kicking and paddling propelled Myself across the breakers to wait for a wave.
All so I could enjoy the ride!

Me, Myself, and I sat on the beach with the
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

It was refreshing to be in such good company at the beach.



Fixing a Wondermedia WM8650 Android Tablet Stuck at Uberoid Load Screen

My MID 80003W Android Tablet (Wondermedia WM8650 according to the device about screen) rooted with Uberoid stopped working when I attempted to reset it to factory defaults. It would hang during the “Uberoid” load screen during device start-up. This post walks through the steps I followed to resolve the problem. Please note, I am not an Uberoid expert and am only sharing my experiences with my specific device.

  1. Download Uberoid WM8650 1.3.0 HYBRiD HoneyCombMOD v6 FiNAL from the forum posting. You’ll find the link right before the FAQ. Free registration required for forum access.
  2. Locate FAQ #1 just below the download link and follow the directions listed.
    Tip – In FAQ step #4  my device was item 6, a M80003W 8″.

After re-rooting the device with the latest Uberoid package the tablet booted past the Uberoid load screen and now works better than ever.

If your tablet fails to load past the Uberoid screen I hope these steps help clear your problem. If not, I suggest you researching the HcH TechKnow forum.

Unfortunately my MID (Mobile Internet Device) 80003W is still a glorified ebook reader because it doesn’t meet my particular needs. Anyone interested in buying it already rooted with the latest Uberoid mod? You can read about my original review here along with my experiences rooting it. I see Geeks.com has the MID 80003W listed as out of stock and I’m doubtful they will get more.

Who Mastered Who?

Sometimes you master the wind…


And other times the wind masters you…

No victory for the underdog, the wind and the waves were a formidable foe that gave little and demanded much.



Saxon Harbor on Lake Superior

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Saxon Harbor on Lake Superior

Saxon, WI
Notes: A late summer evening on the break wall at Saxon Harbor. A storm was moving in which created an intricate cloud cover across the still surface of Lake Superior. A survey marker on the break wall surface created a perfect place to setup for the shot.

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