
Each Ocean Wave Has Two Faces


A wave moving across the vast ocean expanse is lost in the horizon. Hardly distinguished from the crest before or the one yet to come into view. The will of the wind conforms each wave’s size and frequency. The wave doesn’t start to become unique until it reaches a boundary.

The shore edge is a boundary that is the breaking point of all waves. Standing from shore you see the wave crest and erupt into a white frothy foam. Perhaps it curls into a graceful tunnel as it goes storming out of existence. The side you see from shore is confrontational and magnificent, the source of many inspired writings and thoughts.

Opposite the magnificence and fury is a side that few see or experience. The back of the wave is as graceful as the front is unwieldy. It appears to effortlessly roll over and into the shore as to rest for another attempt at overcoming the boundary. If the wind is fickle and changes direction against the wave it created the frothy spray is whisked up into the air as an ethereal veil to cover the wave’s graceful end.

People are much the same when the precipice of a unavoidable boundary is reached.  The face and emotion that everyone can see doesn’t always correspond to the emotion or rational behind it. While the world may see a game face approaching the boundary the true face behind it may be completely opposite.

Who can see both of your faces?

"Deep calls to deep at the sound of Your waterfalls;
All Your breakers and Your waves have rolled over me."
Psalm 42:7 NIV



Sweat, Tears, AND Sea

Riding the Body Board in a Wave

“The cure for anything is salt water – sweat, tears, or the sea.”
–Isak Dinesen

When the waves are big enough to deliver the occasional pounding and you’re having so much fun sweat forms on your brow then you know it’s a great day at the sea!

The day started with me hoping to catch a glimpse of the sun rise through the cloud covered horizon. To my dismay the quiet wait for sunrise was shared with a long line of fishermen up and down the beach. As fate would have it I walked into the middle of a fishing competition. It turned out the group next to me was a man short for qualification to enter the contest so they kindly adopted me for a couple hours!

Shortly after day break several dolphins swam by about 150 yards from shore. The moment was truly spectacular because in all the mornings at the beach this was the first time I witnessed dolphins swim by.

By afternoon the beach was clear without a trace of the fishing competition. It turned into a stellar afternoon at the beach with so many unexpected blessings that I scarcely can name them.  The weather forecast contained nothing but rain for the entire weekend and despite not bringing my board I found one to borrow for a couple hours (cough). The waves ranged from small breakers to huge rollers and the water temp was just right for leaving my wet suite behind. It was shared with a great crowd (and lifeguards)  from the conference. Fortunately someone had their DSLR at the beach and was kinda enough to send me something to remember one of the better days of summer spent at the beach.


Technological Side Effect Invades

The classic sci-fi movies of the 60’s and 70’s should have taught the populace at least two things. First, future technology will be wonderful and good for all mankind. Second, something always goes wrong and creates an equally spectacular problem. Information Technology may not be a hard science like bio-engineering, partical physics, astrophysics, etc but occasionally something accidentally gets created that is both interesting and terrifying.

The Cat5 critter in the picture above crawled out of the computer lab. It’s intentions were unknown and like any sane character it had to be quelled. It wasn’t alone, several organic life forms followed it. Presumably to launch a broader attack on critical systems. Fortunately the army was able to step in and halt the advance. As of 0600 hours the situation remains gridlocked.


Today Is The Day

Googling “Today is the Day” produces an interesting cross section of results from popular culture. Seems the algorithmic genius of Google can’t decide so it throws a smattering of results.

What does it mean to you?

“What does it mean to me?” you ask? I’m so glad you did. Honestly, not that I have a lot to say on the matter but I’d be amiss not to testify that, to me, it means:

The LORD has done it this very day;
let us rejoice today and be glad.
Psalm 118:24




Labor Day ‘WoW’

World of Warcraft Board Game

Had a wonderful Labor Day with LL, BR, and AM. The game was a learning experience. I knew there was a reason the chain mail I was wearing was so itchy (my character was only capable of cloth armor). By the Time LL and I got out characters in working order BR and AM had strategized, powered up, and were making quick work of conquering their quests. After 7+ hours and lots of conversation BR and AM were declared the winners after LL and I were beat to a pulp by a plastic mushroom looking figure (it was much more terrifying in person).

Despite prior defeats I look forward to another adventure even if it turns into a desperate scramble for survival :)