
Snow Storm Devastates Hillsdale Flamingo Population

The birds didn’t have a chance and were frozen solid in mid-flight. Of course, the’re plastic lawn flamingos and can’t fly very well to begin with so I guess they were doomed from the start.

Many of the trees were in the early stages of dropping leaves and were torn limb from limb by the heavy wet snow fall. Irene should have taken care of most of the weak limbs but it just goes to show the power of snow shouldn’t be underestimated.

Quote: Everyone is Guilty

During a tense conversation between Councilman Hardin and Sermak.

Hardin: “Perhaps! Your opinions are yours, of course. Still you are rather young.”
Sermak: Dryly. “It is a fault that most people are guilty of at some period of their life…”
-Isaac Asimov’s book “Foundation”


DiXit or “That’s It” According to My Mind

Shared an enjoyable great-bad movie night with friends and played a new game afterwards. DiXit is comparable to Apples to Apples in game play but a little bit stranger (in a good way). Game play progresses in order around the circle of participants. Each participant has a chance to by the ‘dealer’ and choose a card from their hand and describe the picture in a figurative way. Other players listen to the description and choose a card from their own hand that they think resembles the description of the dealers card. No two cards are identical. Cards are turned in to the dealer and then displayed together on the table. Each person votes for the card they think the dealer described. Points are scored based on guessing the dealer’s card or having other people guess the fake card you turned in.  As points are awarded the tokens are moved around the board. Incidentally, depending on your eye the tokens could be motorbikes or squirrels.

It’s a fun game and very easy to learn with potential limited only to the descriptive talents of the players. The enjoyment of the game peaks as the number of players and small hours of the morning increase. We didn’t find the limit but I suspect at about 3 or 4 AM enjoyment would peak and discontinuous drop in enjoyment would begin.

Even Though I Walk…

The House Of God, Forever
by Jon Foreman


God is my shepherd
I won’t be wanting
I won’t be wanting

He makes me rest
In fields of green
With quite streams

Even though I walk
Through the valley
Of death and dying

I will not fear
‘Cause you are with me
You are with me

Your shepherd staff
Comforts me

You are my feast
In the presence of enemy

Surely goodness
Follow me
Follow me
In the house of God, forever