
Gmail, Thanks for the Encouragement

The AOL “You’ve Got Mail!” jingle became famous for adding excitement to the anticipation of reading new messages.

If Google emphasizes the fact you don’t have any messages what does that mean? Here are a couple possible ideas:

  • “You found the bottom of your inbox, maybe you aren’t as popular as you thought. Here is a little encouragement!”
  • “Good for you, it’s only the elite few who actually read all their messages.”
  • “No no, really, there are no more messages, go back to your life, more messages are bound to come in.”
  • “… now that you’ve read all the messages in your inbox you can start on your spam folder!”



Wave Jumping – Thoughts of Summer

The ocean has been on my mind a lot this past … season. I don’t know what to call the current season because there isn’t enough snow to be winter and the lack of flourishing green vegetation indicates spring has yet to arrive.

These are from Lavallette, NJ during my last beach trip for the season,  October 3, 2011.

Did anyone else cringe and say “ouch” when his board hit the water?

Quote: Sweet Pain

… she began in a weak, quivering voice that nevertheless had something in it that immediately clutched at my heart, making it throb with a sweet pain…

Except from Dostoyevsky’s “White Nights”

The Feeling of Dusty Shoes

Dust from a construction project feels like an old friend who I haven’t seen for a couple years. Growing up it was always around me, like a friend that comes for an unplanned visit and stays with you for three days.

Dust and I got along so well because were both victims of the person working on the project. I was only the assistant to the person making the dust. My primary job was holding the dumb end of the tape measure, conscripted into service against my will. The dust was like a peaceful tenant forcefully evicted from its’ home. Maybe I was more than a victim, because it was also my job to take the broom and dispose of the dust.

Despite my limited title and responsibilities some of the lingo stuck with me and I can still tell the difference between a cat’s paw, flat bar, hammer, and crow bar and I still remember if all else fails use a bigger hammer or get the chain saw.

Recently dust and I met at a friend’s construction project. I forgot the joy of pulling nails and listening to the radio. There is a sense of satisfaction from having my hands busy while still maintaining the capacity  to think about something other than the task before me.