
Fallen Pistils

Every year I’m amazed at the beauty that is present in each stage of the spring season. The street is peppered with a uniform covering of maple pistils that all fell overnight, as if an internal alarm clock sounded and the tree knew it was time for the next stage of life.


Reflections at FITES

FITES is my first substantial LAN Party and these are some tips for anyone who might be thinking about going.

  • The staff was very friendly and helpful
  • Bring a 25′ network cable
  • Know your intranet.fites.net login in advance
  • If you are alone stick around for the tournaments because a team may form or need someone at the last minute. Knowing your intranet.fites.net in advance will help (see above)
  • Get TeamSpeak in advance
  • If you are a normal human being, don’t bother gaming in the morning because no one will be playing. All the die hard gamers will be sleeping on the floor between 6AM and 9AM.
  • Don’t be shy, some rigs are really cool, others are just held together with duct tape!
  • Don’t be shocked at the number of 24″+ screens
  • Your computer will probably be OK over night but if you’re paranoid you can pack it back to the hotel room
That said, my only real complaint is the lack of continuity in game play. There were so many different games being played that it was hard to get more than a couple people in anyone server. The LAN Party didn’t meet my expectations of having a large number of people all playing the same game.