
Bookmark – jQuery UI Widget Collections

Knowing JavaScript and jQuery will get a developer only to a certain level of productivity before a plateau is reached where the next step is to become familiar with user interface widgets to make everything visually appealing and functional.

Thus far my primary experience has been using jqGrid but need to expand the number of available controls I’m comfortable implementing. I’m trying to locate which javascript widget libraries are the most popular and worth my time becoming familiar with. This is a list of the widget collections I intend to further review (in no particular order) :

Also worth noting are the following lists of jQuery Plugins and collections that came up in searching:


Opinions About What Makes Sci-Fi Great

What makes for a great science fiction movie? Is it futuristic technology, exotic alien places, hypothetical situations based on advances in technology, a story that explores what the future could become?

It was an overcast and rainy Saturday with nothing much to focus on doing except tend to the house.  For background noise and casual viewing I watched Star Trek Into Darkness followed by  Close Encounters of the Third Kind as I went about my day.

When Star Trek Into Darkness was in theaters I didn’t catch my interest because the previous Star Trek (2009) movie was so disappointing. There were no expectations that Star Trek Into Darkness would be any better than the previous movie so I waited for it to come out on rental and when NetFlix announced it was available for instant viewing the bar was low enough and I decided to view it.

The entire Star Trek Into Darkness movie was an action drama that explored a different time line in the Star Trek universe and focused on character relationships while being wrapped up in future sci-fi technology. It was less science fiction and more action adventure designed to make a box office hit that would appeal to a wider audience. I’m not a huge trekkie but it was like building a car and forgetting to put the tires on – it may look and feel like a car but it can’t go anywhere.

The movie did start with a controversial situation about the prime directive and is adhering to it more important that one person’s life but the focus was less on the prime directive and society and more focused on Kirk and Spock’s relationship and ‘feelings’ towards each other. This seemed to set the tone for the entire movie which was nothing more than a display about how each character felt toward the situation at hand. For a sci-fi movie that focused so much on feelings had a real ho-hum attitude afterwards.

With a Saturday not yet half finished and more chores to do I queued up Close Encounters of the Third Kind. It’s a movie that I remember watching several times throughout my childhood. At the time I didn’t fully understanding some of the sub-plots about the conflict in Rory’s family or the government attempt to keep the encounters a secret so it was interesting to watch again after so many years. Despite being over 30 years old with some inconsistent editing, weak character development, and slow plot development while having  no real focus on sci-fi technology , future societies, etc it did capture the most important aspect of science fiction – exploration.

The sense of exploration, the drive to find out what’s out there, is the driving force behind a good science fiction movie. I think that is why Star Trek Into Darkness was so disappointing because Star Trek the Next Generation, Star Trek Voyager, and even Star Trek Enterprise were some of my favorite stories in the Star Trek series.

As a society are we so emotionless that we have to go to a movie to watch someone else face there feelings and deal with there emotional situations to be entertained?

In my opinion there is nothing wrong with a sci-fi movie that explores the consequences and emotional situations that arise in pursuit of exploration but I want to end the movie with a sense of ‘Wow, that was interesting, wouldn’t it be so cool if <insert amazing place> existed!’ or ‘That’s so interesting, just imagine how <insert new technology> could transform society’.

To end a movie with the impression that I primarily watched characters go from one dramatic situation to the next is saddening. I don’t need to go to the movies for that, all I have to do is be a Dad and live my life to experience more than enough drama!

A sense of exploration, what could be out there, out in the world, space, cyber-space, and how it might transform society as we know it, now that’s something to think about… if you ask me.

What makes science fiction great for you?




Create a Bookmark that Always Points to Today’s Freshbooks Timesheet

Do you want to access your freshbooks timesheet with as few clicks as possible? The directions below walk you through creating a dynamic JavaScript based bookmark that will always point to todays Freshbooks timesheet by calculating the correct URL to go to.

Creating such a link on your browser’s bookmark bar or favorites list can be a time saving step for quickly logging in and recording your time.  To create the link follow these steps:

  1. Locate your Freshbooks domain by logging into Freshbooks account and looking at the address bar. The highlighted text in the image below indicates where your freshbooks domain is located in the URL.finding your freshbooks domain
  2. Copy the text below. This is the dynamic JavaScript URL which will always point to your Freshbooks timesheet:
    javascript: var dt = new Date();var d=dt.getDate();var m=dt.getMonth()+1;var y=dt.getFullYear();window.location='https://YOURFRESHBOOKSDOMAIN.freshbooks.com/timesheet#date/'+y+ "-" + (m<=9 ? '0' + m : m) + "-" + (d <= 9 ? '0' + d : d);
  3. Right click on the bookmark bar and create a new bookmark.
  4. Paste the text into the bookmark URL field:creating freshbooks timesheet bookmark
  5. Before saving the bookmark you must change the URL text “YOURFRESHBOOKSDOMAIN” with the Freshbooks domain found in step one. For example, if your domain was “mycoolcorpinc” the URL should read:
    javascript: var dt = new Date();var d=dt.getDate();var m=dt.getMonth()+1;var y=dt.getFullYear();window.location='https://mycoolcorpinc.freshbooks.com/timesheet#date/'+y+ "-" + (m<=9 ? '0' + m : m) + "-" + (d <= 9 ? '0' + d : d);
  6. Save the bookmark. You should now have a bookmark link or favorite that points you to the current day timesheet.

Click on the new bookmark and the browser will direct you to your freshbooks account and compute the current date of the timesheet to display. Your address should resemble the image below except ‘yourfreshbooksdomain’ will be replaced with your domain i.e. mycoolcorpinc and the date on the end of the URL will be today’s date.

freshbooks timesheet url example



Bookmark – Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts

I’m old enough to remember when GUI became king and the idea of a computer user needing to know keyboard shortcuts to navigate a program was passé but it feels like things have come full circle and keyboard shortcuts feel more efficient. Navigating the GUI becomes mentally draining, looking for tabs, finding the right program on the task bar, etc are so much easier when I can just press a key combination to do what I want without having to search the screen.

With so much work being done within Chrome I found the following list of keyboard shortcuts to be exceptionally useful.
