Just Like Riding a Bike…

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… you may never forget how but your muscles may remind you how out of shape you are.

It is the first evening of vacation. The wind is acceptable and the sun is fading. Part of me wants to find all the parts to the windsurfer and get out on the lake for a ride. The other part of me tries to speak some sense into my brain, “You’re tired, it’s going to be aggravating to scrounging for the parts and then assembling them amongst the biting flies will be torture, why don’t you wait?” Considering all of the pro’s and then the con’s I decide to assemble the board, despite the pile of gear, biting flies, and a couple “ufff, forgot how bulky this was to carry” phrases.

Windsurfing Lake Superior

Enduring the effort and fly bites was worthwhile just to have such a great picture taken to commemorate such a wonderful first evening out on the lake. Perhaps even better is I managed to sail BACK to shore :)

As the blog title goes, I didn’t forget how to windsurf but my body sure reminded me of all the muscles I hadn’t used in the last year. On the bright side, I slept like a rock that night.